Configuring Allowed Job Types

This article describes how to control what job types appear in the Job Class dropdown when you use Schedule Job Dialog:

Schedule Job Dialog

If you use Schedule Job functionality of CrystalQuartzPanel to add new jobs, you might notice that it is not possible for a user to enter any job class, you should select it from a dropdown instead:

Schedule Job -> Job Class

It is so for security reasons to avoid possible runs of harmful jobs.

But you may run into a situation where the Job Class dropdown does not contain the job you want to schedule. This situation is fairly common, because by default the dropdown contains only the job classes that are already scheduled, so if you want to schedule something new, it is definitely not in the list. And if your scheduler is empty yet, you will see the error.

Can not schedule a job as no allowed job types provided. Please make sure you configured allowed job types

Empty Scheduler Error

In any of these cases you need to provide CrystalQuartzPanel with the list of Allowed Job Types by setting AllowedJobTypes property of CrystalQuartzOptions object.

For example, here is how we can enable standard Quartz 2 mail sending job:

() => scheduler,
new CrystalQuartzOptions
AllowedJobTypes = new[]
/* Place Job Types here */

Now the SendMailJob can be selected in the dropdown:

Schedule New Job - SendMailJob

If particular job types are not known, it is possible to do an “assembly scan”. Just to demonstrate this technique we can enable all Quartz 2 standard jobs:

() => scheduler,
new CrystalQuartzOptions
AllowedJobTypes = Assembly
.Where(x =>
x.IsPublic &&
x.IsClass &&
!x.IsAbstract &&

Now we can select standard Quartz 2 jobs:

Schedule New Job - SendMailJob

Please note that the list includes Quartz.Job.NativeJob that can run any command on the application machine and is really dangerous in production, so please consider the risks when you use this technique to expose job types.